Use our SWIFT/BIC Code Lookup Tool to quickly find the correct SWIFT/BIC code for any bank .
City: {city.text}
Bank: {bank.text}
Swift Code: {bank.value}
Send payments without a SWIFT Code
SWIFT codes are a type of Bank Identification Code (BIC) used for international wire transfers. These 8-11 character long codes allow banks to identify financial institutions when transferring money between banks.
Send and receive international payments to over 100 countries with as little as an email address– no SWIFT codes required!
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A Bank Identifier Code, also known as a BIC or SWIFT code, is a unique identification code for a specific bank or financial institution. It’s crucial for identifying banks during international transactions.
Simply use our SWIFT/BIC Lookup Tool above. Select the country, select the city, select the bank and you’ll receive the Bank Identifier Code instantly.
No, each bank has its own unique SWIFT/Bank Identifier Code. It’s vital to use the correct code for your specific bank to ensure successful transactions.
Select the country, select the city, select the bank and you’ll receive the Bank Identifier Code instantly.