Simplify your global transactions with Veem’s currency converter tool.
Mid-market exchange rate at
*This is the mid-market exchange rate. Actual rates may vary at the time of transaction.
How to use the Currency Converter Tool
1. Enter the amount you wish to convert. 2. Select the currency you are converting from and to. 3. Instantly view the converted amount based on current exchange rates.
Send and receive international payments in real time to over 100 countries within minutes!
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The savings were drastic, and we saved at least $10,000 on transfers. Over the long run and with our continued use of Veem, that amounts to a lot of savings.
By switching to Veem, Ace Marks earned a more competitive foreign exchange rate, saving the company an estimated $120,000 since joining.
Veem enabled TYME Global Technologies to save $6 on each of their contractor payments, resulting in savings of $6,000 each month since their account creation.
We understand the complexities and challenges faced by businesses engaging in international trade, especially when it comes to currency exchange. That’s why we’ve created a user-friendly currency converter tool to help you navigate the world of foreign exchange with ease.
Yes, our currency converter tool is completely free for all users.
Our exchange rates are updated in real-time to provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information.
No, there is no limit. You can convert any amount in any of the 130+ currencies supported by our tool.