If you’re looking for the best person for the job, it’s time to dip into the global talent pool. And with today’s economy, reaching far beyond national borders, it has never been easier to find, onboard, and communicate with talented candidates all over the world.
There are thousands of talented, capable, and hardworking employees hoping to be plucked out of their normal, everyday lives and scooped up into the hustle and bustle of an exciting new job. Maybe they couldn’t find a job near home or maybe they wanted the opportunity to work in a different setting. Whatever the reason, you, as a small business owner have the power to be their Prince Charming.
Remote work and overseas contracting are easily achievable with access to the internet.
So how can small business owners harness the tools of the World Wide Web to expand their talent?
Now more than ever, it’s important to have access to talent from around the globe. In fact, in 2018 Envoy found that 70% of employers say sourcing foreign workers is very or extremely important to their talent acquisition strategy.
For small business owners, global talent means widening your diversity pool. The reason this is so popular is because strengthening the diversity of your business means different ways of thinking. New recruits from around the world means seeing operations from new perspectives and alternatives approaches to problems.
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There is also a lot of power that comes from potentially new languages and market knowledge that a recruit can bring to the table. These powerful tools can allow your small business to enter new markets while understanding clients and competitors better.
As a SMB owner, there are different types of global talent that you can look for when hiring abroad depending on your businesses needs.
Remote workers are full-time or contracted talent that work from outside of the office, generally from home.
An independent contractor is treated like a separate business that a company employs for their services or skills. They are also referred to as freelancers or consultants. Their contract is often dependent upon individual projects or based on hourly performance.
A foreign worker is a person that works outside of their home country. All foreign workers and their employers have to apply with their government to give the employee the ability to work in said country. Each legislation will be different, so be sure to look at the fine print when recruiting.
For all things global talent, the answer is just a few clicks away.
These are just a few of the many websites dedicated to helping seeking individuals and employers find global jobs and talent.
When recruiting internationally, it’s important to set up a global recruiting strategy. According to TalentLyft, two popular recruiting strategies are recruitment marketing and social recruiting.
Recruitment marketing is the process of attracting talented individuals to your organization using methods like email or advertisements.
Social recruiting is using social media channels for recruiting. It refers to different ways of using social media networks (such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.) and websites (blogs, forums, job boards, and websites) to find, attract, and hire talent.
Global talent recruiting presents new challenges for seeking employers.
You thought the 9-5 was limiting? Imagine trying to hire someone who lives 6 hours ahead. Time zones present a unique challenge for employers. Scheduling interviews and getting hold of candidates in different regions can lead to confusion and mishaps if you aren’t organized.
How to get around this confusion? You can use your phone to keep up to date with time zones around the world. Keep the lines of communication open when setting up an interview (it never hurts to triple check).
Another challenge with global recruiting lies in the different communication styles that employees and employers may have. It is important when trying to hire abroad to do your research and remember that every country or region may prefer a different style of communication.
Utilize your connections. Set up a call with an HR expert who may know the global talent landscape well and learn more about the communication style before reaching out. A simple online search could also provide some tips on the best practices for outreach.
Hiring global talent can mean great things for your SMB. And although it does present some challenges, the benefits that can come from a global workforce will help your business excel. Your global talent team is capable of helping your business grow out into the big wide world.
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